Welcome to Prima Materia! This is the blog attached to my personal website, varia.wtf. After many years of feeling discontent with social media, I decided to make a website where I can express myself and share my thoughts without an algorithm feeding me garbage.
While this isn't my first attempt at a blog, it's definitely the one I'm most excited about.
Also Known As: V-guy, V-bear, Amanda Panda/Manda/Panda (as FFXIV Char.), BardCat, Juan Wick
Hobbies & Interests: figure collecting, drawing, writing, cooking, film, alchemy, Gnosticism
Favorite Lore: Girls' Frontline, Xenogears/Xenosaga, Remedy (Max Payne, Alan Wake I & II, Control), Forgotten Realms
Current Project: Kuleshov Effect (WIP) - Story/VN
I'll be posting updates on my writing and art along with posts about my interests. Feel free to contact me about anything you read on here.
This blog is running on freshly installed version of Joomla (CMS), so I apologize for the basic appearance while I'm working on my website's design.